The LIBRA Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of scientists with recognized expertise in the research directions addressed by the project and a broad overview of scientific excellence in ion-beam facilities. The PAC includes a) Prof. Muhsin Harakeh, immediate past Director of the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) of the University of Groningen, Netherlands, chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the SPIRA2/ESFRI project, and ex-chair of NuPECC, b) Prof. Reiner Krücken, Chair of the Physik-Department E12 (Nuclear and Hadron Physics), Director of the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the LMU Munich and TU Munich, and Head of the Division of Hadronic and Nuclear Physics of the German Physical Society (PAC member until 2011), c) Prof. Rauno Julin, Head of the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, d) Prof. Pier Andrea Mandò, Director of LABEC (LAboratorio BEni Culturali), Florence, Italy, e) Prof. Dimiter Balabanski, senior scientist at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, and Chair of the South-East European Nuclear Physics Network (SEENet), and f) Prof. Panagiotis Misaelides, Head of the Radiochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Also, since 2011, Prof. Andreas Zilges, Director of IKP, Universität Köln has replaced Prof. R. Krücken in the PAC. The PAC:
Meets at least once a year to evaluate the overall progress of the project both in terms of efficient coordination and scientific excellence. The chair of PAC is eligible to take all measures to ensure an independent assessment of the project.
Provides guidance to the Project Coordinator in scientific and managerial issues of the project. The PAC chair prepares within 1 month after each PAC meeting a brief evaluation report with the assistance of all PAC members. This report is included in the next Annual Report of LIBRA.
In addition to these tasks, the PAC is authorized to prepare a Foresight Study on the long-term scientific perspectives of the Tandem Accelerator Laboratory of INP by February 2011 the latest. With the assistance of the LIBRA Coordinator, the PAC members Prof. D. Balabanski and Prof. P. Misaelides act as conveners of the LIBRA User Group meetings, representing the European/Regional and national scientific communities, respectively.